In October 2023 the Tories produced their PRISON REFORM proposals.
Many obvious points and good points but not taking into account how taxpayers like myself feel about the cost. In reality it is another example of politicians inexperience and incapability of managing any kind of business activity that requires cost control and productive efficiency.
They made one major good point but if any action followed this I have not seen it – they said they would ‘step up action’ to deport illegal immigrant criminals. Don’t talk about it – do it! For new offenders it should be an instant action taken within four weeks of an arrest. Anything longer is feeding the mouth of greedy lawyers at tax payers expense
Before Starmer and his ‘top team’ go ahead to dish out super generous contracts to build more prisons where local people who probably voted Tory don’t want them they should spend a week or two thinking about what we actually need and what is the most cost effective way to achieve it. This is what I think. Its too practical for Starmer’s ego but maybe it makes sense to Reform
I see five levels of incarceration and believe prisons can cater for these far better than at present
Death Row – why give ‘for life’ sentences to those who have taken another life or lives in one of the horrific ways we are seeing more and more. Bring back capital punishment – it will be a deterrent and save a huge cost burden on the tax payer.
Long term – these will be sentences for serious offences, usually involving dead or seriously injured victims. For these criminals prison should be a very unpleasant place that they never want to come back to. Prison staff in this area should be capable to defend themselves and attack if necessary and should never be outnumbered.
Medium term physical – sentences for lower level violent crimes. Keep them away from the long term inmates but let them see the misery of being a long term inmate, either viewing or film. Their sentencing should include “if, when you are released, you are later found guilty of any physical crime you will be placed in a long term prison”
Medium term non physical – there is a chance that some criminals in this category can be repatriated to society. Warders need to be trained by the staff responsible for repatriation decisions so that they are not fooled into making over-optimistic decisions. These warders will be very different to the warders in the preceding categories
Short term – for those on early release and for offences like fly-tipping or non violent actions at demonstrations. At sentencing warn them that if they repeat they move into medium term
Many of these will be genuine possibilities for repatriation into society. They should be held in a much easier environment, hardly a prison. To ensure they understand the seriousness of their situation they should wear GPS tags.
Each day they should be doing something worthwhile and productive – work that they are paid fairly for, the fly-tippers to be taken two days a week to clean up towns and cities. From their pay they should see a small, very fair deduction for rent and food. They should know that good performance during this period will earn them a reference of real value that will help them get suitable work when they are released
In the right circumstances evening classes would be a major benefit – something to help those who have not had the benefit of a good education – simple maths and better English would be good for many. Anything to help those who need it gain some self esteem
Short term is the area to work on for the future. Also, perhaps, Medium term, non physical
In an ideal situation we would have a prison for each category of incarceration.
If that is not possible then cater for Death Row and Long Term in one prison. To be effective the others must be stand alone
Amazingly the only mention in the government paper about drugs is rehab. Stop the drugs getting into the prisons!
Make the penalties for being found out really hurt – stop visits (hurts both sides of the wall), solitary confinement and if a member of prison staff is found to be involved make the penalty so severe he really thinks before he gets involved
Dividing the prison population more accurately into the prison types I suggest will make it easier to control